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Young Person in Transport Award 2025

Online Nomination Form

Do you know an outstanding young person working in the livestock or rural transport industry? Nominate them for the 2025 LRTAQ Young Person in Transport Award and recognise excellence in our industry.

We are seeking nominations of individuals who display pride and professionalism in their career, have a passion for our industry and have a strong desire to advance within it.

All roles within the livestock and rural transport industry are eligible to be nominated (for example drivers, mechanics, schedulers, administration officers, shed hands, managers – are all eligible for nomination).

Nominees must be:

  • 35 years of age or younger
  • Employed within, or contracted to a business which is a financial member of the Livestock and Rural Transporters Association of Queensland
  • Able to attend the LRTAQ 2025 Annual Conference from 13 – 15 February 2025.

Nominations close on 16 January 2025.

Contact details of person making the nomination

We require your details so we can contact you about the status of the nomination.
Full name (Person nominating)(Required)
For example: employer, manager, colleague.

Nominee's details

Please enter the details of the person that you would like to nominate for this award.
Nominee's name(Required)
Eligible nominees must be 35 years or younger at time of nomination.
Please enter a number less than or equal to 35.
For example: driver, mechanic, administration assistant, manager, shed hand.

Nomination criteria

Explain how.
Explain how.
For example: personal character, interests, hobbies, etc.

Supporting documentation

It is a requirement of the nomination process to supply two letters of recommendation and the nominee's most up to date resume. You can upload these documents below. If you have problems uploading the documents, please email them through to admin@lrtaq.com.au.
One of these letters should be from the nominee's employer.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: docx, doc, pdf, Max. file size: 4 MB.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: docx, doc, pdf, Max. file size: 4 MB.