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Transporters recognise excellence in young guns

15 June 2021LRTAQ news

The Livestock and Rural Transporters Association of Queensland (LRTAQ) has today announced the finalists of the inaugural Young Person in Transport Award.

The award was developed to recognise and acknowledge the contribution younger transport workers are making to the sustainability of our industry. Member businesses of the rural transport peak body were encouraged to recognise excellence in their workplace and nominate outstanding individuals aged 35 years or younger.

The LRTAQ Young Person in Transport Award finalists for 2021 are:

  • Jack Mailman, Martins Stock Haulage
  • Axel Oppermann, Oppermann and Sons Transport
  • James Scott, Scotts Haulage
  • Daniel Steel, Stockyard Transport
  • Damian Swalling, Swalling LIvestock Transport
  • Jack Uebergang, Frasers Livestock Transport

Click here to view the profiles of each finalist.

LRTAQ President Gerard Johnson said this was an impressive group of nominees and offered his congratulations to each of the finalists.

“Each of these individuals displays pride and professionalism in their career, demonstrates a passion for our industry and has a strong desire to advance within it,” Mr Johnson said.

“They are a credit to our industry and I’m looking forward to promoting their stories to encourage other young people to consider a career in rural transport.”

Mr Johnson said in his opinion one of the biggest challenges in the industry was driver welfare and attracting drivers.

“The average age of a driver these days is over 50, and in order to secure the future of our food and fibre supply chains we need to get serious about bringing younger people into the industry,”

“Our six finalists are the proof in the pudding that this is a great industry to both earn a living and forge a rewarding career in,”

Mr Johnson paid tribute to Meritor for generously sponsoring this initiative.

“I’d like to thank Meritor for helping us to shine a spotlight on the important contribution our younger workers are making to the sustainability of our industry.” Mr Johnson said.

Adam Carroll, Product and Marketing Manager for Meritor Australia said Meritor is proud to be associated with this award recognising outstanding young people in the livestock transport industry.

“For over 50 years our facility in Melbourne has been manufacturing the axles that keep Australian livestock trucks moving and we’d like to ensure that relationship continues for the next  50 years,” Mr Carroll said.

The winner of the LRTAQ Young Person in Transport Award 2021 will be announced at the upcoming Bull Carter’s Ball on Saturday 17 July, as part of the LRTAQ Annual Conference in Roma.

LRTAQ members, supporters, suppliers and are invited to attend the conference to honour the finalists, and help mark the 40th anniversary celebrations of the formation of the LRTAQ. More information can be found at www.lrtaq.com.au.

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